
Friday, July 9, 2010

DCAA's New Director has a "New Vision"

Today's "Government Executive" has scooped everyone else in getting an interview with DCAA's new Director, Patrick Fitzgerald. The publication claims that theirs is the first interview that the new Director has given since taking over as DCAA director eight months ago. You can read the entire post here. In the article, the Director talks about his new vision for DCAA:

We want to get to that one team where management and the workforce are pulling together in the same direction, Where auditors feel like they are making a difference, their work is adequately considered and has a positive impact on taxpayer dollars."

Vision notwithstanding, the GovExec article did contain a number of interesting facts:

  • The agency has hired 500 new auditors and will add 1,000 more by fiscal 2015, a 37 percent staffing increase.  
  • DCAA is planning to shed several low-priority services and place more emphasis on high-risk contracts. 
  • In fiscal 2008, the average time to complete a contractor pricing review was 28 days, compared with 72 days in fiscal 2010.

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