
Monday, November 23, 2009

Awesome QuickBooks Add-ons for 2010

Each year about this time, we look forward to the latest installment of Sleeter Group’s “Awesome QuickBooks Add-ons”. Sleeter survey’s products in  vertical markets where QuickBooks may not have all the needed features or where users need customized solutions. Products that make the list must be developed and sold by a solid company with a reputation for outstanding customer support, must show superior design, implementation and features, must use appropriate transaction types and field population for recording data so as to preserve and/or enhance the standard reporting features in QuickBooks. And conform to good accounting principles and operating standards.

For QuickBooks users that can’t afford the time and expense of evaluating many competing add-ons, Sleeter has is a very good resource for the decision making process. Here is the list of Awesome QuickBooks Add-ons for 2010. There are also links to prior years’ winners.

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