
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Open Government Directive

On December 8, 2009, the OMB (Office of Management and Budget) issued its long-awaited "Open Government Directive". This memorandum directs executive departments and agencies to take specific actions to implement the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration. Go here to read the full directive.

The directive requires executive departments and agencies to take specific actions within specified timeframes toward the goal of creating a more open government. It is going to be fascinating to see how agencies within the acquisition community respond to this directive.

One of the core requirements of the directive requires each agency to expand the public's access to information by making it available online in open formats. The most interesting aspect of this is item 1.d. which states:

Within 45 days, each agency shall identify and publish online in an open format at least three high-value data sets... These must be data sets not previously available online or in a downloadable format.

Additionally, with 60 days, agencies must create on Open Government Webpage as a gateway for agency activities relgated to the Open Government Directive.

We will be monitoring the activities of acquisition-related agencies under this directive to ascertain whether the "high-value" datasets and other "open government" activities and information will be of any value or benefit to government contractors.

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