
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Midwest Training Opportunies

For government contractors, prospective government contractors and anyone interested in exploring Government contracting opportunities, we heartily recommend The Contracting Academy (TCA) based in Oklahoma City as a source to meet your training needs and requirements. TCI offers affordable and targeted training opportunities related to Government contracting as well as opportunities to network with key like-minded professionals. Courses are presented by industry specialists.

We were honored to present "An Introduction to Government Contracting" at a recent TCA event in Oklahoma City. The organization, facilities, meals, and refreshments were absolutely first class. The participants were actively engaged and either desired to enter the Government contracting areana or expand upon their company's existing Government work. Here's the class photo.

If interested, contact TCA on the web or call Kay Bills directly at 405-603-5306.

You might also enjoy reading this news article concerning TCA.

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