
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How to Find Your Cognizant DCAA Office

Quick link to DCAA Audit Office Locator.

Most Government contractors contractors have no problem in locating the DCAA (Defense Contract Audit Agency) office that has audit cognizance for their location. The cognizant DCAA office is usually identified in the contract itself. However, DCAA offices frequently reorganize, consolidate, or move and they are not particularly efficient in notifying contractors when that happens.

Prospective contractors might have more difficulty. Solicitations often require that offerors identify their cognizant DCAA office. For a company without previous Government experience, that information may not be well known and in most cases, the telephone book is not going to help.

Fortunately, DCAA maintains an Audit Office Locator on their website. It is searchable by ZIP code, CAGE code or DUNS number. Simply enter any one of these items and the application will provide the cognizant DCAA office. New contractors should search by ZIP since DCAA only maintains DUNS and CAGE information for existing contractors.

Updated links, 2/4/15

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