
Monday, May 7, 2018

Everybody Has a Mission Statement - Even DoD Procurement

One of the most useless provisions in last year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was a requirement to publish a statement of purpose for DoD acquisition in the DFARS (DoD FAR Supplement) (see Section 801 of Public Law 115-404).

The specific statement of purpose prescribed by the NDAA reads as follows:
The defense acquisition system exists to manage the investments of the United States in technologies, programs, and product support necessary to achieve the national security strategy prescribed by the President pursuant to section 108 of the National Security Act of 1947 and to support the United States Armed Forces.
The investment strategy of DoD shall be postured to support not only the current United States armed forces, but also future armed forces of the United States.
The primary objective of DoD acquisition is to acquire quality supplies and services that satisfy user needs with measurable improvements to mission capability and operational support at a fair and reasonable price.
Honestly, who comes up with this stuff? What good does it do? Will it facilitate DoD acquisition? Will anyone read it? Will they take action on it? What action is expected? Will it save money? Will it make acquisition more efficient? Less burdensome? Will it encourage non-traditional companies to enter the defense marketplace? Why is DoD unique among other Government agencies? Why do they get a purpose statement and not anyone else?

If someone thinks DoD acquisition needs a purpose statement, how about this one: "We buy things we need and try to get the best price". That ought to do it.

Wonder what the Section 809 Panel thinks of this addition to the DFARS?

You can read more about this new regulation here.

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