
Monday, September 24, 2018

Are You Still Running Kasperksy Anti-Virus?

Government contractors have until October 1st to completely scrub their networks and computers of the Kasperksy software.

As we reported back in June (see Prohibition on Usinbg Kaspersky Hardware/Software), the Fiscal Year 2018 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) prohibits Government contractors from providing any hardware, software, or services developed or provided by Kaspersky Labs or its related entities, or using any such hardware, software, or services in the development of data or deliverables first produced in the performance of the contract. Congress, among others believe that Kaspersky software presents an information security risk because of the Company's Russian connections.

We've recently come across a couple of articles stating that many contractors are unprepared for this deadline. In some cases, contractors are not even aware that Kaspersky is running on their networks because it came pre-installed with unrelated software. In other cases, contractors have attempted to remove Kaspersky but missed  some instances because complete removal is more complicated that simply uninstalling the program. There is even a concern that some contractors don't believe the ban applies to them, when it most certainly does.

DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has been worried about Kaspersky for some time and directed all civilian agencies to remove the software from their systems by last July. The NDAA added Government contractors to the list of entities whose use of Kaspersky is banned and gave them until October 1st to comply.

By the way, this ban also applies to subcontractors and makes it the prime contractors responsibility to ensure compliance. 

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