
Monday, January 7, 2019

DCMA Stands-up Its Commercial Item Determination Group

The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) established a Commercial Item Group (CIG) in response to Congressional direction to DoD to establish a cadre of experts to leverage the use of commercial items and emerging technologies.

DoD has now approved DCMA CIG contracting officers to serve as determining officials for commercial items. DCMA CIGs have been trained and have developed "expertise" in a multitude of commodity groups spread across six geographical locations:

  • Boston - maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services, chemicals and materials
  • Philadelphia - naval transport and equipment, troop supply
  • Phoenix - heavy machinery, missiles
  • Indianapolis - automotive, aeronautics, aircraft engines
  • Denver - space, C41, unmanned aerial systems
  • St. Petersburg - vehicles, weapons, ammo
Effective now, DCMA CIG contracting officers will serve as determining officials for all commercial item review requests submitted to DCMA. Such determinations will relieve buying activity PCO's (Procurement Contracting Officers) from duplicating effort such as trying to determine wether the item being offered meets the definition of commercial item as well as provide consistency in the commerciality review process.

Determinations made by the DCMA CIG will be contained in the commercial item database available for all DoD contracting officers to rely upon for future purchases of the same item or service. 

Contractors who sell commercial items to the Government should ensure that information entered into the DoD wide commercial item database accurately reflects their products and services.

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