
Friday, May 3, 2019

Army Civilian Employee Accepted Bribes in Exchange for Sensitive Procurement Information

REK Associates is a service-disabled veteran owned small business based in Williamsburg VA. It appears that the Company has a smattering of Government contractors and very little in the way of commercial work. It's website touts its expertise in range, construction and environmental projects.

Franklin Raby was an Army civilian range operations manager at Hawaii's Schofield Barracks until about a year ago. Yesterday, Mr. Raby pleaded guilty to accepting tens of thousands of dollars worth of bribes (somewhere between $40 and $95 thousand) from REK Associates, in exchange for providing the company with sensitive procurement information.

Bribes included a classic car (a 1969 Ford Galaxie), a hunting rifle, and diamond earrings. Mr Raby failed to disclose these bribes on his financial disclosure forms (duh).

According to court documents, Raby used his position of influence to assist REK Associates in receiving a Government contract by tailoring the contract's language so that the company had a better chance of winning the bid.

After leaving his Army job, Mr. Raby went on to work for REK Associates - probably as appreciation for all of the valuable service rendered to the company while an Army employee. He's probably no longer employed at REK either. His sentencing is scheduled for this coming August.

No word on how the crimes were uncovered.

1 comment:

  1. That is just a small portion of what went on with this guy. He's getting off easy if he only has to plead out for that small time period. He was doing this for may more years than what was disclosed in the article.
